CDC UPDATE: On Dec. 2, the CDC amended their guidelines to allow for two additional options for the quarantine period, and on Thursday, Dec. 4, the Texas Education Agency announced their alignment with the new CDC guidelines. Quarantine is for individuals who have been in close contact to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. The CDC previously only advised a 14-day stay-at-home (quarantine) period. For individuals experiencing no symptoms, the additional options are:
10 days after the last close contact (No test required); or
7 days after the last close contact and after receiving a negative test result, administered no earlier than 5 days since the last close contact. (Proof of a negative test must be provided to the school/work.)
Direct vs Indirect Exposure Quarantine is only recommended when an individual has direct contact with the person who tested positive. Direct contact is considered being within six feet of the positive individual for more than 15 minutes in the 48 hours prior to symptoms or a positive diagnosis. In an effort to keep our community safe and healthy, we ask that you please refer to the Player Decision Tree below if you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19. Please be aware of the following symptoms that may be indicative of COVID-19, and continue to monitor yourself:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle Pain
Sore Throat
New loss of taste or smell
This is not an exhaustive list of symptoms; other less common symptoms have been reported including gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure. If you experience any of these symptoms, we suggest that you get tested and self-quarantine/self-isolate as necessary for 14 days. Please make Cody Hanson, FW Fire Club Director, aware of the situation when/if this occurs.
Player Decision Tree
Has your daughter been in Close Contact? This is someone who:
Lives in the same household OR
has been within 6' of a person with COVID-19 for 15 minutes or longer
- If NO, please proceed to practice - If YES, do not come into the gym. Please get in touch with your coach and / or FW Fire Club director, Cody Hanson to report what is going on. Have you been Tested for COVID-19?
If your daughter's test results were positive she needs to stay home for 10-days beginning the day after your positive test. Your daughter may return to practice after those 10 days, is 24 hours fever free, and symptoms are improving.
If your daughter's test results were negative...go to practice!
If your daughter's results were negative, but she is showing symptoms, she may return to practice after a 2nd negative test OR 24 hours symptom free.
Your daughter has had a headache recently or a sore throat but she has seasonal allergies. COVID-19 symptoms are similar to allergies or a cold. You know your daughter best. If her allergy or cold symptoms persist, you may want to have her tested to rule out COVID-19. Otherwise, deal as usual and get to practice.
Your daughter has had a headache recently and feels she might have COVID, when should we get tested? COVID-19 symptoms begin to manifest 2-5 days after contraction. Individual NEED to wait those 2-4 days before getting a test. If you get tested immediately or too soon after contraction of the virus, you are more than likely going to get a false negative.
Your daughter has just learned that she has been exposed to COVID-19. Now what? If your daughter has had close contact with a person who is COVID-19 positive, she will need to quarantine at home for 7-14 days depending on which time-line you want (based on new CDC update).
Your daughter is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, but does not have test results. Now what? Your daughter will need to stay at home to recover until symptoms subside and is also fever-free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicine).
Someone in your daughter’s household is showing symptoms but does not yet have COVID-19 test results. Now what? As long as your daughter is not showing symptoms, her teammates do not need to quarantine. However, your daughter will need to quarantine. Your daughter may return to practice once the family member receives a negative COVID-19 test as long as your daughter remains symptom-free. If the family member does not get tested, your daughter must quarantine for 7-14 days depending on which time-line you want (based on new CDC update) from the day that the ill family member recovers.
Someone in your daughter’s household has tested positive for COVID-19. Now what? Your daughter will need to quarantine for 14 days after the positive test. During this time, continue to monitor symptoms. If your daughter does not develop symptoms during the 14 days, she may return to practice. If your daughter develops symptoms during the 14 days, she should be tested to rule out a positive. However, if she tests positive, she needs to quarantine for 10 days after the positive test. Additionally, your daughter cannot return until she is fever free (without fever-reducing medicine) for 24 hours.
Someone in your daughter’s class at school is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Now what? If your daughter has maintained 6’ distance from the classmate while wearing a mask, she does not need to be alarmed and can go about her normal day.
Someone in your daughter’s class was exposed to COVID-19. Now what? The exposed student (may or may not be your daughter) should stay at home for 7-14 days depending on which time-line you want (based on new CDC update) from the last date of contact with the positive person and monitor for symptoms. If your daughter has maintained 6’ distance from the exposed classmate while wearing a mask, your daughter does not need to miss any practice.